Reelektronika’s eLoran timing receiver LORADD-UTC provides accurate timing and frequency signals throughout the Loran coverage area. The UTC receiver is derived from reelektronika’s successful LORADD series of equipment.
eLoran timing receiver LORADD-UTC
The LORADD-UTC receiver provides stable frequency outputs and a Loran derived 1 PPS output synchronised to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). To provide the best possible timing stability, the LORADD-UTC is equipped with an ovenised crystal oscillator, which allows longer integration times. The long-term stability of the frequency outputs is determined by the stability of the received eLoran signals. The eLoran carrier wave is exactly 100 kHz and phase synchronised to UTC. The timing of each eLoran station is controlled by multiple Caesium clocks independently from GNSS, and related to national UTC time sources. The receiver provides a number of internationally standardised telecommunication frequencies, for operation in a variety of applications, in Europe, the US and Asia. The LORADD-UTC has proven to meet the Stratum-1 (1×10-11) frequency standard specifications.
Time of day
Next to differential eLoran corrections for maritime applications, the eLoran data channel also carries UTC synchronization messages, which give the exact relation between the transmitted eLoran pulses and UTC. This allows the LORADD-UTC receiver to determine absolute time to within 50 ns from UTC and let the LORADD-UTC meet the ITU requirements of G.811 for primary reference clocks. eLoran UTC services are expanding and already available in the US, Europe and China.
For reference, calibration and synchronization in areas without the eLoran UTC message broadcast, the LORADD-UTC also houses a GPS timing receiver.
Please also refer to the commercial and technical documentation under Product Documentation andProduct Manuals.