Reelektronika b.v., founded in 1975 by Prof.dr. Durk van Willigen, is a consulting company specialised in radio positioning systems, navigation, radar, and signal processing for land, marine and aeronautical applications. Reelektronika has a long experience in analysing, designing and prototyping complex systems in this specialised telecommunication area. Among other products, reelektronika manufactures eLoran equipment for users, service providers and surveyors, that has successfully been used in installations in Europe, the US, the Middle-East and the Far-East. Reelektronika provides consultancy to governmental and commercial organisations on eLoran, GNSS, GNSS interference, maritime Radar, and other navigation related topics.
Reelektronika has a highly specialised staff with an extensive experience in radionavigation and system design. Durk van Willigen, the president of Reelektronika, led a research group on Electronic Navigation Systems at Delft University of Technology. Gerard Offermans and Arthur Helwig are former Ph.D. students of the same group. They designed and implemented Eurofix, an integrated radionavigation system based on GNSS and eLoran. René Kellenbach is experienced in designing complex radionavigation and radar systems. He is specialised in analogue and digital hardware design as well as the interface with software.
Reelektronika has been involved in eLoran development and deployment over the past 10 years. Reelektronika equipment and expertise has been used for FAA’s successful Loran Evaluation Program, which led to the decision to upgrade Loran-C to eLoran in the USA. Recently, Reelektronika installed eLoran data channel and monitoring equipment for the General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK and Ireland under contract with VT Communications. Reelektronika designs and manufactures the LORADD series integrated GPS/eLoran receiver and is currently the leading manufacturer of eLoran user equipment.
Reelektronika pioneered in the field of eLoran. The internationally standardised eLoran data channel concept known as Eurofix allows DGNSS, Differential eLoran and UTC timing services on Loran transmitters. Reelektronika implemented Eurofix on the Loran stations at Sylt in Germany, at Bø and Værlandet in Norway, at Lessay in France, and at Anthorn in England. Eurofix technology has also been installed at 4 Loran transmitters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Further successful Eurofix tests have also been carried out in the United States, Russia and Korea.
Reelektronika carries out navigation-related projects for the European Commission, ESA, Eurocontrol, the US Federal Aviation Administration and the Dutch government. Reelektronika has a long experience in the design and implementation of radar equipment for maritime Vessel Tracking Services.
Through its strong link to Delft University of Technology, Reelektronika can focus on research and development of complex navigation systems including the scientific aspects. Many years of experience in hardware and software design allow for reliable implementation and early prototyping of these ideas. For this Reelektronika continuously seeks opportunities for co-operation with other companies and research organisations, in the Netherlands and abroad.